ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2017. Issue 45 (121)
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The optimization of databases replication in distributed information systems

Tsegelyk G. G.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Krasniuk R. P.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Keywords: optimization, databases replication, distributed information systems, dynamic programming, Bellman equation, Greedy algorithm.

Cite as: Tsegelyk G. G., Krasniuk R. P. The optimization of databases replication in distributed information systems. Information Extraction and Processing. 2017, 45(121), 104-112. DOI:


New mathematical models of optimal distribution of databases replication in nodes of distributed information systems are formulated by the criteria: minimization of maintenance costs; restricted memory resources; minimizing synchronization time; minimizing the average time needed to search information. Precise solutions of the problems with the use of dynamic programming methods are constructed, Bellman recursive equations are obtained. The general scheme of the computational algorithm using the greedy choice procedure is presented and an algorithm for improving the obtained result is proposed. The strategies of greedy choice were investigated, the choice of criteria in the strategy of greedy choice is substantiated. The proposals have been formed regarding the formation of a balance between the accuracy and computational complexity of the algorithm through the introduction of a restricted search strategy. The computational complexity of the algorithm is estimated and its correctness is substantiated.
