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ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018. Issue 46 (122)
The method of measuring the velocity of surface acoustic waves by laser probing
Skalsky V. R.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv
Mokryy O. M.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv
Rudavskyy D. V.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv
Keywords: velocity of surface acoustic waves, laser methods
Cite as: Skalsky V. R., Mokryy O. M., Rudavskyy D. V. The method of measuring the velocity of surface acoustic waves by laser probing. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018, 46(122), 29-33. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15407/vidbir2018.46.029
The method of measuring the surface acoustic wave velocity by probing it with a laser beam, whose width is greater than the acoustic wavelength, is proposed. The velocity is determined by measuring the time and space characteristics of the optical field of the beam reflected from the sample surface. The method is characterized by high accuracy and spatial resolution.
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