ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018. Issue 46 (122)
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Segmentation of corrosion damage images with unknown background by energy minimization

Mandziy T. S.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv
Ivasenko I. B.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv

Keywords: image processing, segmentation, rust, graph cuts

Cite as: Mandziy T. S., Ivasenko I. B. Segmentation of corrosion damage images with unknown background by energy minimization. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018, 46(122), 38-42. DOI:


The problem of rusted areas segmentation on painted constructions is considered. The rust percentage on the coatings can be computed using digital image processing methods. Segmentation method by energy minimization using graph cut is applied. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach can be effectively used for rust segmentation.
