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ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018. Issue 46 (122)
Assessment of visual quality of denoised images
Rubel A. S.
National Aerospace University, Kharkiv
Lukin V. V.
National Aerospace University, Kharkiv
Keywords: image denoising, visual quality, experimental assessment.
Cite as: Rubel A. S., Lukin V. V. Assessment of visual quality of denoised images. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018, 46(122), 43-49. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15407/vidbir2018.46.043
The problem of image denoising is considered from the viewpoint of visual quality of filtered images. Special experiments with a large number of observers have been carried out to determine probability that a denoised image is preferable compared to the corresponding original noisy one. It has been found that there are many practical cases when observers prefer noisy images. This usually happens if an image is highly textural, noise has either quite low or too high intensity,
and a used filter performs not efficiently. It has been also shown that modern metrics, even those that take into account peculiarities of human vision system, often perform not adequately. The cases when it is really worth to carry out image denoising are considered.
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