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ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018. Issue 46 (122)
Modeling of the optimal databases allocation of information systems by the availability of intermediate servers
Krasniuk R. P.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Tsegelyk G. G.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: optimization, mathematical modeling, distributed information systems, dynamic
programming, Bellman recursive equations, ant colony algorithm
Cite as: Krasniuk R. P., Tsegelyk G. G. Modeling of the optimal databases allocation of information systems by the availability of intermediate servers. Information Extraction and Processing. 2018, 46(122), 54-60. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15407/vidbir2018.46.054
The problems of optimization of database placement in the modeling of distributed information systems is considered in the presence of intermediate storage servers as servers of data catching that play the role of data accumulation centers when using the batch mechanism data transfer placement. The mathematical formulated problems of optimal replication bases in the distributed information system is in the condition of minimizing the time of synchronization and minimizing the average time needed to find information. The precise solutions of the formulated problems using dynamic programming methods are obtained (in Bellman recursive equations).
The adaptation of the ant colony algorithm is carried out to construct solutions to the problems f optimal placement of replication databases. A series of numerical experiments are conducted and a conclusion is made as to the computational efficiency of the application of this approximate method in the case of increasing the number of nodes of the distributed information system.
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