ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2019. Issue 47 (123)
Information space model in tasks of distributed mobile objects managing
Filatov V.O.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Yerokhin A.L.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Zolotukhin O.V.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Kudryavtseva M.S.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Keywords: distributed mobile object, uncertainty conditions, information space, task flow, adaptive choice method, information and communication system
Cite as: Filatov V.O., Yerokhin A.L., Zolotukhin O.V., Kudryavtseva M.S. Information space model in tasks of distributed mobile objects managing. Information Extraction and Processing. 2019, 47(123), 80-86. DOI:
A model of information systems of interaction user information environment , as well as a model of information space of distributed information and communication system with serial and arbitrary serial-parallel decision process is investigated. The basic components of the in formation and communication system are distinguished. The adaptive choice methods are ana lyzed. The algebraic system of information space is represented, which allows us to form a common approach to solving problems of distributed mobile objects control under conditions of uncertainty, finding more simple solutions to solve complex problems in the different fields of activity.
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