ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2021. Issue 49 (125)
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Coercive force of double layer ferromagnetic materials

Rybachuk V.G.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv
Uchanin V.M.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv

Keywords: non-destructive testing, double layer ferromagnetic material, hysteresis loop, coercive force, residual induction.

Cite as: Rybachuk V.G., Uchanin V.M. Coercive force of double layer ferromagnetic materials. Information Extraction and Processing. 2021, 49(125), 3-8. DOI:


Peculiarities of the coercive force (CF) measuring of inhomogeneous ferromagnetic materials, in particular layered ones, are considered. The concept of effective CF of layered ferromagnetic materials is introduced. The analysis of the magnetic fluxes distribution in a double layer ferro-magnetic material during its reversal magnetization by an attachable transducer with a U-shaped core made of soft magnetic material is carried out. An analytical expression of the effective CF for such class of materials for the case of the same layers thickness and linear approximation of their demagnetization curves is obtained. It was found that the effective CF of a double layer ferromagnetic material is determined not only by the CF of its individual layers, but also by the values of their residual induction. Experimental verification of the obtained results was performed on experimental samples, which were collected from steel 08kp (sample # 1) and steel St3 (sample # 2) plates. Each of the samples was a stack of 6 plates each measuring 87 50 1 mm. With tight compression of the plates and complete elimination of the gaps between them, these samples can be considered as single layer ferromagnetic structures with a thickness of 6 mm. To model a double layer ferromagnetic material with the same layer thickness, sample ? 3 was used. Its the upper part consisted of the three steel 08kp plates and the lower part of the three steel St3 plates. To measure the magnetic parameters of these samples the KRM-Ts-MA type magnetic analyzer was used. The device permit to measure the CF, residual induction and other parameters of the hysteresis loops of ferromagnetic materials in the closed magnetic circuit by attachable type transducers with U-shaped core. The transducer used with the magnetic analyzer during the experiments had poles with an area of 16 32 mm and the distance between the edges of the poles: inner 32 mm, outer 64 mm. It is shown that the discrepancy between the calculated value of the effective CF of the double layer ferromagnetic material (sample # 3) from steel 08kp and St3 according to the obtained expression and the measurement results is about 3%. This confirms the adequacy of the proposed model of reversal magnetization of double layer ferromagnetic material and the correctness of analytical calculations.
