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ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2021. Issue 49 (125)
Median based algorithm for sub-pixel estimation of extrema positions of diffuse light reflection signal
Ivasiv I.B.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv
Keywords: diffuse light reflectance, discrete signal, extremum position, centroid algorithm, Blais and Rioux algorithm, median algorithm, noise immunity, systematic error, random error.
Cite as: Ivasiv I.B. Median based algorithm for sub-pixel estimation of extrema positions of diffuse light reflection signal. Information Extraction and Processing. 2021, 49(125), 37-44. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15407/vidbir2021.49.037
It has been proposed to utilize the median algorithm for determination of the extrema positions of diffuse light reflectance intensity distribution by a discrete signal of a photodiode linear array. The algorithm formula has been deduced on the base of piecewise-linear interpolation for signal representation by cumulative function. It has been shown that this formula is much simpler for implementation than known centroid algorithm and the noise immune Blais and Rioux detector algorithm. Also, the methodical systematic errors for zero noise as well as the random errors for full common mode additive noises and uncorrelated noises have been estimated and compared for mentioned algorithms. In these terms, the proposed median algorithm is proportionate to Blais and Rioux algorithm and considerably better then centroid algorithm.
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