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Koshovyy V.V., Romanyshyn I.M. Estimation of strain-stress state and degradation of constructive materials using ultrasonic computerized tomography | 5-9 |
Senyk T.D. Numerical modelling of the diffracted characteristics of the multielement grating near the boundary of two medias | 10-16 |
Youzefovych R.M., Mykhajlyshyn V.Yu., Javorskyj I.M. Periodical changes component estimation of stochastic cyclic loads characteristics | 17-22 |
Polishchuk A.D. About the choice of the optimal dynamical system from the class of equivalent systems | 23-28 |
Borys A. Some remarks on equations describing “linear” or nonlinear nearly sinusoidal oscillators in the frequency-domain | 29-31 |
Lozynsky O.Yu., Shcherbovskykh S.V. Phase method availability calculation of the item with quick-wear component | 32-37 |
Yavorskyy B.I. Construction of a likelihood ratio functional for signals with spread spectrum | 38-43 |
Zayats V.M. Comparative analysis of object models and processes | 44-49 |
Soprunyuk P.M., Ivasiv I.B., Chervinka L.Ye., Semenyuk O.M. Investigation of semi-cylindrical optical sensor for analiser of disperse composition of dense polydisperse media | 50-57 |
Nichoga V.O., Sopilnyk L.I., Grudzinski E., Dub P.B., Karakai S.V. Peculiarities of electromagnetic fields measurement when determining man-caused emission | 58-63 |
Mychuda Z.R., Mychuda L.Z., Vlakh G.I. The analog multiplier with frequency modulation | 64-68 |
Bodnar R.V. The method of digital time-scale transformation of single and rarely repeated signals | 69-74 |
Muravsky L.I., Fitio N.V., Sakharuk O.M. Creation of strained surface displacement fields by speckle correlation methods in fracture mechanics problems | 75-81 |
Lychak O.V., Glova Z.V., Kmet’ A.B. Radiometric correction of the speckle-interferograms | 82-86 |
Oleynik O.T., Voronyak T.I. The control of the phase shift between two beams by means of speckle-iterferograms | 87-91 |
Kosarevych R.Ya., Rusyn B.P. Segmentation of grain edges due to features formed on plane normal vectors | 92-96 |
Opyr N.V., Ivasenko I.B. Accuracy increase of angle measurement on images using Hough transform | 97-101 |
Kaminsky R.N. Influence of noises on recognized properties of objects | 102-108 |
Derkach B.T., Kozhan V.P. Computer analysis and shape reconstruction of the surfaces of materials based on their images | 109-114 |
Vorobel R.A., Berehulyak O.R. Extension of the possibilities of image local contrast enhancement method | 115-120 |
Tkachenko R.O., Pavlyuk O.M., Tkachenko P.R. Characteristic training feedforward neurall networks in accordance with K nearest neighbor | 121-126 |
Kuzmin A.V., Zhuravchak L.Ye. Modelling of a single-level structure of a WEB-site | 127-131 |
Zerbino D.D. On realization of the cellular automata | 132-136 |
Fadi Al-Kalani Compression feature of language signals on the basis of use of orthogonal transformation | 137-142 |
Sinitsky L.A.(to the 80th birthday) | 143-144 |