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Skalskyi V. R., Pochapskyy Ye. P., Klym B. P., Koblan I. M. Improving excitation efficiency of magnetoelastic acoustic emission signals | 5-11 |
Dzhala R. M., Verbenets B. Ya., Melnyk M. I. Electric capacity of metal cylinder with an insulating layer in conductive medium | 12-16 |
Yuzefovych R. M., Javorskyj I. M., Matsko 1. Y., Semenov P. O. Estimation of component-wise coherence function for joint periodically correlated random signals | 17-28 |
Stefanovych T. O., Shcherbovskykh S. V. Reliability model for failure cause analysis of a system with function transferring between uniform modulus | 29-36 |
Koman B. P. Automated complex for research of electroactive centers in solids using the technique of thermally stimulated depolarization | 37-44 |
Ivasiv I. B. Corrosion points sizing by smoothness criterion for signal envelope of light diffuse reflection sensor | 45-50 |
YerokhinA. L., Zatserklyanyi H. A. Heat and mass exchange analysis indoors | 51-55 |
Maksymenko O. P. Using the Fourier-Mellin transform for digital speckle images correlation | 56-62 |
Maksymenko O. P. Analysis of the errors of geometrical correction of speckle images based on Fourier-Mellin transform | 63-69 |
Ivasenko I. B. Determining the geometric dimensions of lack of penetration on digital radiographic images of welded joints | 70-74 |
Berehulyak O. R., Vorobel R. A. Luminosity equalization of scenes objects using the logarithmic transformation | 75-79 |
Gryciuk Yu. I., Dragan Ya. P. Use of Taylor polynomial for numerical integration of table functions of two variables | 80-89 |
Lytvyn V. V, Remeshylo-Rybchynska O. I., Vysotska V. A. Architectural terms ontology construction | 90-96 |
Veremchuk A. V., Pukas A. V., Voytyuk I. F. Design of the software for identification of the interval models of objects with distributed parameters | 97-103 |
Boyun V. P. (to the 75th birthday) | 104 |
Javorskyj I. M. (to the 70th birthday) | 105-106 |
Vorobel R. A. Scientific Conference “Computational methods and information transformation systems” in honor of prof. Bohdan Popov | 107 |
Soprunyuk P. M. | 109-110 |
Stoliarchuk P.H. | 111 |