ISSN 0474-8662. Information Extraction and Processing. 2019. Issue 47 (123)
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Three-step electronic speckle pattern interferometry method with arbitrary phase shifts of reference wave

Muravsky L.I.
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv

Keywords: electronic speckle pattern interferometry, arbitrary phase shifts, surface displacement, phase map

Cite as: Muravsky L.I. Three-step electronic speckle pattern interferometry method with arbitrary phase shifts of reference wave. Information Extraction and Processing. 2019, 47(123), 54-58. DOI:


The method of three-step elecnronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) with arbitrary phase shifts of a reference wave is proposed. This method does not require the calibrated phase shif ting techniques, which are necessary for recording speckle interferograms (SI) with fixed phase shifts by conventional temporal ESPI methods. In contrast to the two-step ESPI method with blind phase shift of a reference wave, the proposed three-step method does not use the time consuming procedure of the reference and object wave intensity distribution recording. So, to retrieve the phase map of surface displacements, this method uses only three SI before applying the load to the studied specimen and three SI after applying the load. The proposed method is faster than aforementioned two-step method, because the integrating bucket approach can be used for its realization.
